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Peanut butter is a staple food in many households and can be found in supermarkets across the globe. It is a creamy spread that is popularly consumed on bread, crackers, and vegetables. But have you ever wondered how peanut butter is made in
As the demand for peanut butter continues to rise, many companies are turning to efficient and effective production lines to meet their customers needs. A peanut butter production line is a complex process that involves several stages of pro
Peanut butter is made from roasted peanuts. Peanut butter is a nutrient-dense food that contains high levels of protein, several vitamins, and dietary minerals. It is commonly used as a spread on bread, toast, or biscuits, and in sandwiches.
This is a set of professional cashew nut processing machines produced by our factory with advanced technology. It is a small-scale cashew processing unit with a production capacity of 200 kg/h.
Currently, there are 20 different varieties of groundnut seeds in Tanzania. These seeds are drought-resistant and disease-resistant varieties with an oil content of 51.5% and high mineral content such as protein, iron, and zinc.
In October 2022, a peanut butter production plant designed by our company for our customer went into operation in Cameroon. We provide our customers with complete solutions including peanut butter production and packaging.
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