Oil extraction process of avocado:

Let’s talk about avocado. Avocado is also called avocado, avocado, avocado, bliss (Taiwanese), etc. After avocado is ripe, the fresh pulp contains about 18-30% oil, and after drying, the oil content of dried avocado can reach 30-50 %.
The avocado oil-making process is: avocado-peeled, cored-dried (3-5% moisture)-crushed-hydraulic / screw press. The characteristics of the squeezed oil: dark green color, solid at 0°C, and turbidity at low temperature.
If it is used as a high-grade grease, it needs to be further refined: dephosphorization, deacidification, decolorization, deodorization, and dewaxing.
Avocado oil is an important ingredient in cosmetics. About 0.5-50% of American cosmetics contain avocado oil.
Did you learn it? If you need avocado oil press, please feel free to contact us. We will send the machine detail and price to you by email.
Contacts: Cara
Contacts: Cara